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Офтальмология  по теме Фтизиатрия

30.11.2009 Клинические варианты туберкулеза глаза и орбиты
Специализация: Статьи  Методы лечения и диагностики  Офтальмология  Фтизиатрия 
Белова Т.В., Ченцова О.Б.
Clinical variants of a tuberculosis of an eye and orbit
O.B. Chentsova, T.V. Belova

The Moscow Regional Scientific Research Clinical Institute of Vladimirskij M.F.

Last years in many regions of the Russian Federation there is a progressive increase in cases of disease by a tuberculosis.
Purpose: studying of clinical variants of tubercular defeat of an eye and an orbit with the analysis of efficiency of diagnostics and the lead treatment.
Materials: Under our supervision there were two patients with a tuberculosis of an eye and an orbit.
At the first patient tubercular гранулематозный склерит has resulted гематогенного from distribution of specific process through the uveal tract. Possibly, tubercular center as a result гематогенной диссеминации was formed in a zone ciliary body, that complicated its revealing. Process has become complicated necrosis of conjunctiva and sclera with development panuveitis and loss of visual functions. Specific treatment was not effective enough and adequate, that has led to a lethal outcome.
At the second patient took place tubercular periostitis of the left orbit, developed on a background of tuberculosis of additional bosoms of a nose. Distribution of an infection contact has by led to specific defeat of soft fabrics of an orbit, eye–muscles, conjunctiva, sclera, corneas and iris of the left eye. Current of disease has become complicated presence of a secondary glaucoma.
Conclusions: Thus, at occurrence of an inflammation of an eyeball and fabrics of an orbit long and recurrent, not giving in anti–inflammatory treatment should consider an opportunity of specific tubercular defeat as eyes, and orbits.


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