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Другие публикации   Компьютерные технологии в медицине  

What you should know about computed tomography imaging

(опубликовано 30.07.2020)

Computer tomography is a painless and highly accurate X-ray examination method that allows you to get a detailed image of the internal organs.

Computer tomography imaging is carried out on modern CT which shows the scanned parts of the body in a perspective.

Method benefits of CT

This procedure is absolutely painless, however, there are other benefits:

  • high level of detailed specification of even light changes in tissues and structures of the body;
  • speed of examination: it is possible to perform diagnostics of the whole body within one breath. This will take about 20 seconds;
  • possibility to construct 2D and 3D images with full information about the studied organs;
  • silent scanner performance;
  • possibility to study heart and vessels;
  • low radiation level.

The method is suitable for patients who are unable to remain motionless for a long time or who are in serious condition with a necessity to be in constant contact with a doctor.

What problems can be found with the help of CT?

High informativity and safety made this method spread rather widely today. Computed tomography imaging is used in traumatology and neurosurgery in order to identify traumas. In oncology tomograph helps to understand the level of tumor spread and to plan radiation treatment.

CT helps to identify different pathologies: traumas, damage of the lymph nodes, tumors, aneurysms, purulent and inflammatory processes, etc.

The radiation during the computed tomography is a lot more lover and it is safer that X-ray. However, the necessity to perform this method with pregnant women and children should be analyzed in each personal case.

Preparations for the tomography

The procedure itself doesn’t require any specific preparations. Sometimes in order to obtain more exact data, a special contrast material is injected into the body, that can cause different reactions. The most important thing is to inform your doctor about all the peculiarities of your body: allergy, pregnancy, lactation, claustrophobia, tendency to bleeding, kidney disease, data from a previous examination.

In the tomography day, you are allowed to take all necessary prescribed medicines. Diabetics can take insulin and eat, and take a snack and a bottle of water on the procedure. When examining the abdominal cavity, you need to take a drug in advance that slows down the contraction of the intestinal muscles.

There is no need to take off all your clothes during the procedure, however, you should have no metallic objects or jewelry. As well as you should keep away your mobile phone.

The process of performing computed tomography imaging

A radiologist puts the patient on a movable table on his back, on his side or on his stomach. After that, the process of scanning the body begins.

At the end of the procedure, you need to wait for a while so that the radiologist checks the image quality.

Examination results can be recorded on any electronic device.

If your doctor recommends a computed tomography procedure, you can perform a full examination at the highest level at the "Medicina" medical care center. Find out more on the clinic website.

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