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Рубрикатор :: Офис/ дом :: Другое :: Bathroom and lavatory equipment. Russian market of bathroom and lavatory equipment. Forecast for
Название отчёта: Bathroom and lavatory equipment. Russian market of bathroom and lavatory equipment. Forecast for (артикул: 15678 13848)
Дата выхода: 7 Ноября 2012
География: Россия
Количество страниц: 291
Язык отчёта: Английский
Стоимость: 111 036 руб.
Способ предоставления: электронный
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Regions of research: RUSSIA, REGIONS OF RF

























Evaluation of Experts of the Branch

Retail sales statements

Data of the main players of the branch

Printed and electronic publications of the branch

The research contains 100 Schedules,71 Diagrams, 112 Tables, 7 Schemes


In 2009 due to reduction of building activities and decline in well-being of people because of crisis Russian market ofbathroom and lavatory ceramic equipment in cost terms dropped by 31,3% and amounted to **7,4 mln dollars. In 2010 market of products of this segment began to recover. In 2011 volume of market of sanitary ware of this category exceeded the pre-crisis level and amounted to **3,6 mln dollars.

In 2011 in the structure of Russian market of ceramic sanitary ware in cost terms domestic products prevailed and made up **%.Share of import of bathroom and lavatory equipment of ceramics amounted to **%.

In 2009 volume of production of bathroom and lavatory equipment of polymers amounted to * 131,4 ths units. In 2010 output of products of this segment grew 6,5 times. Such a significant increase of production of equipment of polymers is associated with increase of demand for such types of goods as shower cabins and baths of acryl (acrylic acid derivatives polymers), whirlpool baths, polypropylene pipes and other engineering sanitary ware. In 2011 output volume continued increasing, growth rate amounted to **%, the rate reached **673,2 ths units.

In January-July 2012 81,3% of output of bathroom and lavatory equipment of polymers was constituted by Moscow (**%) and Novosibirsk (**%) regions.**% of the total amount of products of this segment was manufactured in Vladimir region, 3,2% - in Pskov region.Share of other regions producing bathroom and lavatory equipment of polymers amounted to 9%.

In 2010 rate of delivery volumes of products of this segment on Russian market was equal to **277 tons, that is by **% more than in previous year.In 2011 import volume of bathroom and lavatory equipment continues its gradual growth - **726,4 tons were delivered to Russia within the year specified.

In the first half of 2012 the largest volume of bathroom and lavatory equipment of ferrous metals in physical terms was constituted by products from China, its share amounted to **%. One tenth of Russian import was constituted by Spanish products (10,1%). 5% was imported from Slovakia, **% - from Germany.

Подробное оглавление/содержание отчёта



    1.1. Population of Russia

    Dynamics of population

    The largest cities

    Social standards of living

    Economic activity

    1.2. Economic situation

    Dynamics of economic development

    Stability of the state budget

    1.3. Position of Russia in the world

    Share of RF in the population of the world


    2.1. Characteristics of bathroom and lavatory equipment

    2.2. History of origin of bathroom and lavatory equipment

    2.3. Types of classification of bathroom and lavatory equipment

    Classification of bathroom and lavatory equipment by types of GOST

    Classification of bathroom and lavatory equipment by All-Russian Classification of Products

    Classification of bathroom and lavatory equipment by All-Russian Classification of Economic Activities and Products

    Classification of bathroom and lavatory equipment by Commodity Nomenclature of Foreign Economic Activity

    Classification of bathroom and lavatory equipment by Russian National Classifier of Economic Activities

    2.4. Methods of production of bathroom and lavatory equipment

    2.5. Requirements for quality of bathroom and lavatory equipment


    3.1. Bathroom and lavatory ceramic equipment

    Dynamics of volume of Russian market in cost terms

    Dynamics of import on Russian market

    3.2. Bathroom and lavatory equipment of polymers

    Dynamics of volume of Russian market in cost terms

    Dynamics of import on Russian market




    6.1. Roca Group

    6.2. Samarsky Stroyfarfor, LLC


    7.1. Bathroom and lavatory equipment of ceramics



    Production volumes in federal districts of RF

    Structure of production by federal districts of RF

    Production volumes in regions of RF

    Regional structure of Russian production

    Proceeds by regions by types of activity byRussian National Classifier of Economic Activities “Production of bathroom and lavatory equipment of ceramics”

    7.2.Bathroom and lavatory equipment of polymers



    Production volumes in federal districts of RF

    Structure of production by federal districts of RF

    Production volumes in regions of RF

    Regional structure of Russian production

    7.3.Bathroom and lavatory equipment of ferrous metals, copper and aluminium



    Production volumes in federal districts of RF

    Structure of production by federal districts of RF

    Production volumes in regions of RF

    Regional structure of Russian production

    Proceeds by regions by types of activity by Russian National Classifier of Economic Activities “Production of sinks, wash basins and other bathroom and lavatory equipment and their main parts of ferrous metals, copper and aluminium”

    7.4. Sinks and wash basins of ferrous metals



    Production volumes in federal districts of RF

    Structure of production by federal districts of RF

    Production volumes in regions of RF

    Regional structure of Russian production

    7.5. Baths of ferrous metals




    Production volumes in federal districts of RF

    Structure of production by federal districts of RF

    Production volumes in regions of RF

    Regional structure of Russian production


    8.1. Bathroom and lavatory equipment (in total)

    Production volumes of the largest Russian enterprises

    Structure of production by the largest Russian enterprises

    8.2. Ceramictoilets

    Production volumes of the largest Russian enterprises

    Structure of production by the largest Russian enterprises

    8.3. Ceramic flushing tanks

    Production volumes of ceramic toilets bythe largest Russian enterprises

    Structure of production of toilets by the largest Russian enterprises

    8.4. Ceramic wash basins

    Production volumes of wash basins by the largest Russian enterprises

    Structure of production of wash basins by the largest Russian enterprises

    8.5. Sinks, wash basins, washstands

    Production volumes of washstands by the largest Russian enterprises

    Structure of production of sinks, wash basins, washstands by the largest Russian enterprises

    8.6 Iron and steel enamelled baths

    Production volumes of the largest Russian enterprises

    Structure of production by the largest Russian enterprises

    8.7. Flushing tanks of polymeric materials

    Production volumes of the largest Russian enterprises

    Structure of production of flushing cisterns of polymeric materials by the largest Russian enterprises

    8.8. The largest enterprises by proceeds with the type of activity by Russian National Classifier of Economic Activities (until 2010)

    Production of sinks, wash basins, baths and other bathroom and lavatory equipment and their parts of ferrous metals, copper or aluminium

    Methods of production of bathroom and lavatory equipment of ceramics


    9.1. Bathroom and lavatory equipment of ceramics

    Structure of import by types


    Dynamics of import by months


    Structure of import by supplying countries

    9.2. Bathroomandlavatoryequipmentofpolymers

    Structure of import by types


    Dynamics of import by months

    Import volumes by supplying countries

    Structure of import by supplying countries

    9.3. Baths, showers, sinks of polymers


    Dynamics of import by months

    Import volumes by supplying countries

    Structure of import by supplying countries

    9.4. Bidets, toilets, flushing tanks of polymers


    Dynamics of import by months

    Import volumes by supplying countries

    Structure of import by supplying countries

    9.5. Bathroom and lavatory equipment of ferrous metals

    Structure of import by types


    Dynamics of import by months

    Import volumes by supplying countries

    Structure of import by supplying countries

    9.6. Iron cast, non-enamelled and enamelled baths


    Dynamics of import by months

    Import volumes by supplying countries

    Structure of import by supplying countries

    9.7. Sinks and washstands of corrosion-resisting steel


    Dynamics of import by months

    Import volumes by supplying countries

    Structure of import by supplying countries


    10.1. Bathroom and lavatory equipment of ceramics

    Structure of export by types


    Dynamics of export by months

    Export volumes by countries of destination

    Structure of export by countries of destination

    10.2. Bathroom and lavatory equipment of polymers

    Structure of export by types


    Dynamics of export by months

    Export volumes by countries of destination

    Structure of export by countries of destination

    10.3. Baths, showers, sinks of polymers

    Dynamics of export by years

    Dynamics of export by months

    Export volumes by countries of destination

    Structure of export by countries of destination

    10.4. Bidets, toilets, flushing tanks of polymers

    Dynamics of export by years

    Dynamics of export by months

    Export volumes by countries of destination

    Structure of export by countries of destination

    10.5. Bathroom and lavatory equipment of ferrous metals

    Structure of export by types

    Dynamics of export by years

    Dynamics of export by months

    Export volumes by countries of destination

    Structure of export by countries of destination

    10.6. Iron cast, non-enamelled and enamelled baths

    Dynamics of export by years

    Dynamics of export by months

    Export volumes by countries of destination

    Structure of export by countries of destination

    10.7. Sinks and washstands of corrosion-resisting steel

    Dynamics of export by years

    Dynamics of export by months

    Export volumes by countries of destination

    Structure of export by countries of destination


    11.1. Sinks and wash basins of ferrous metals

    Dynamics of prices for sinks and wash basins of ferrous metals by years

    Dynamics of prices for sinks and wash basins of ferrous metals by months

    11.2. Washstands of faience

    Dynamics of prices for washstands of faience by years

    Dynamics of prices for washstands of faience by months

    11.3 Toilets of faience

    Dynamics of prices for toilets of faience by years

    Dynamics of prices for toilets of faience by months

    11.4. Bathroom and lavatory equipment of ceramics

    Dynamics of producers’ prices for bathroom and lavatory equipment of ceramics by years

    Dynamics of producers’ prices for bathroom and lavatory equipment of ceramics by months


    12.1 Social standards of living

    12.2. Construction of new buildings

    Dynamics of setting buildings into operation in Russia by years

    Structure of setting buildings into operation in Russia by purpose



    14.1. Main groups of consumers of bathroom and lavatory equipment

    14.2. Factors affecting choice of bathroom and lavatory equipment



    Reference information

    Types of activity

    Balance sheet

    Profit and loss statement

































Перечень приложений

List of schedules:

1. Population of Russia in 2000, 2005, 2010 and forecast for 2015 and 2020, ths. people

2. Dynamics of actual household disposable income in Russia and its annual rate of growth in 2000- 2011*, %

3. Forecast of the dynamics of dependency ratio in Russia in 2011-2031

4. Dynamics of employed and unemployed people in RF in 2006-2010, ths. people

5. Dynamics of unemployment rate in economically active population by federal districts of RF in2006- 2010, %

6. Dynamics of GDP of RF in prices of 2008 in 2001-2011, bln. rubles

7. Investments into the fixed capital of RF in 2002- 2010

8. Surplus/ deficit of consolidated budget of RF in 2006- 2011*, %

9. Dynamics oftotal external debt of RF and its share in GDP in 2001- 2011*

10. Dynamics of structure oftotal external debt of RF by the main segments in 2001- 2010, %

11. Consumer prices index in RF2001- 2011, %

12. Share of RF in population of the world in 2000-2010 and forecast until 2100

13. Share of RF in world GDP in 2001-2011 and forecast for 2012-2016, %

14. Dynamics of volume of Russian market of bathroom and lavatory equipment of ceramics in cost terms in 2007-2011, mln dollars

15. Dynamics of volume of Russian market of bathroom and lavatory equipment of polymers in cost terms in 2009-2011, mln dollars

16. Dynamics of volume of Russian production of bathroom and lavatory equipment of ceramics in 2007 – July 2012, ths units

17. Dynamics of volume of Russian production of bathroom and lavatory equipment of ceramics by months in 2007 – July 2012, ths units

18. Dynamics of volume of Russian production of bathroom and lavatory equipment of polymers in 2009 – July 2012, ths units

19. Dynamics of volume of Russian production of bathroom and lavatory equipment of polymers by months in 2009 – July 2012, ths units

20. Dynamics of volume of Russian production of bathroom and lavatory equipment of ferrous metals, copper and aluminium in 2009 – 2010, ths units

21. Dynamics of volume of Russian production of bathroom and lavatory equipment of ferrous metals, copper and aluminium by months in 2009 – 2010, ths units

22. Dynamics of volume of Russian production of sinks and wash basins of ferrous metals in 2007 – July 2012, ths units

23. Dynamics of volume of Russian production of sinks and wash basins of ferrous metals by months in 2007 – July 2012, ths units

24. Dynamics of volume of Russian production of baths of ferrous metals in 2009 – July 2012, ths units

25. Dynamics of volume of Russian production of baths of ferrous metals by months in 2009 – July 2012, ths units

26. Dynamics of volume of Russian production of bathroom and lavatory equipment of ceramics on the largest enterprises of RF in 2006 – 2009, ths units

27. Dynamics of production volumes of ceramic toilets on the largest enterprises of RF in 2006 - 2009, ths units

28. Dynamics of production volumes of ceramic flushing cisterns on the largest enterprises of RF in 2006 - 2009, ths units

29. Dynamics of production volumes of ceramic washstands on the largest enterprises of RF in 2006 - 2009, ths units

30. Dynamics of production volumes of sinks, wash basins, washstands on the largest enterprises of RF in 2006 - 2009, ths units

31. Dynamics of production volumes of iron and steel enamelled baths on the largest enterprises of RF in 2006 - 2009, ths units

32. Dynamics of proceeds volumes of the largest Russian enterprises with the type of activity "Production of sinks, wash basins, baths and other bathroom and lavatory equipment and their parts of ferrous metals, copper or aluminium” by Russian National Classifier of Economic Activities in 2008 – 2011, ths rubles

33. Dynamics of proceeds volumes of the largest Russian enterprises with the activity “Production of bathroom and lavatory equipment of ceramics” by Russian National Classifier of Economic Activities in 2008 – 2011, ths rubles

34. Dynamics of volume of Russian import of baths and lavatory equipment of ceramics in 2007 – July 2012, tons

35. Dynamics of volume of Russian import of bathroom and lavatory equipment of ceramics in 2007 – July 2012, ths dollars

36. Dynamics of volume of Russian import of bathroom and lavatory equipment of ceramics by months in 2007 – July 2012, tons

37. Dynamics of volume of Russian import of bathroom and lavatory equipment of ceramics by months in 2007 – July 2012, ths dollars

38. Dynamics of volume of Russian import of bathroom and lavatory equipment of polymers in 2007 – July 2012, tons

39. Dynamics of volume of Russian import of bathroom and lavatory equipment of polymers in 2007 – July 2012, ths dollars

40. Dynamics of volume of Russian import of bathroom and lavatory equipment of polymers by months in 2007 – July 2012, tons

41. Dynamics of volume of Russian import of bathroom and lavatory equipment of polymers by months in 2007 – July 2012, ths dollars

42. Dynamics of volume of Russian import of baths, showers, sinks of polymers in 2007 – July 2012, tons

43. Dynamics of volume of Russian import of baths, showers, sinks of polymers in 2007 – July 2012, ths dollars

44. Dynamics of volume of Russian import of baths, showers, sinks of polymers by months in 2007 – July 2012, tons

45. Dynamics of volume of Russian import of baths, showers, sinks of polymers by months in 2007 – July 2012, ths dollars

46. Dynamics of volume of Russian import of bidets, toilets, flushingcisterns of polymers in 2007 – July 2012, tons

47. Dynamics of volume of Russian import of bidets, toilets, flushingcisterns of polymers in 2007 – July 2012, ths dollars

48. Dynamics of volume of Russian import of bidets, toilets, flushingcisterns of polymers by months in 2007 – July 2012, tons

49. Dynamics of volume of Russian import of bidets, toilets, flushingcisterns of polymersby months in 2007 – July 2012, ths dollars

50. Dynamics of volume of Russian import of bathroom and lavatory equipment of ferrous metals in 2007 – July 2012, tons

51. Dynamics of volume of Russian import of bathroom and lavatory equipment of ferrous metals in 2007 – July 2012, ths dollars

52. Dynamics of volume of Russian import of bathroom and lavatory equipment of ferrous metals by months in 2007 – July 2012, tons

53. Dynamics of volume of Russian import of bathroom and lavatory equipment of ferrous metals by months in 2007 – July 2012, ths dollars

54. Dynamics of volume of Russian import of iron cast, non-enamelled or enamelled baths in 2007 – July 2012, tons

55. Dynamics of volume of Russian import of iron cast, non-enamelled or enamelled baths in 2007 – July 2012, ths dollars

56. Dynamics of volume of Russian import of iron cast, non-enamelled or enamelled baths by months in 2007 – July 2012, tons

57. Dynamics of volume of Russian import of iron cast, non-enamelled or enamelled baths by months in 2007 – July 2012, ths dollars

58. Dynamics of volume of Russian import of sinks and washstands of corrosion-resisting steel in 2007 – July 2012, tons

59. Dynamics of volume of Russian import of sinks and washstands of corrosion-resisting steel in 2007 – July 2012, ths dollars

60. Dynamics of volume of Russian import of sinks and washstands of corrosion-resisting steel by months in 2007 – July 2012, tons

61. Dynamics of volume of Russian import of sinks and washstands of corrosion-resisting steel by months in 2007 – July 2012, ths dollars

62. Dynamics of volume of Russian export of bathroom and lavatory equipment of ceramics in 2007 – July 2012, tons

63. Dynamics of volume of Russian export of bathroom and lavatory equipment of ceramics in 2007 – July 2012, ths dollars

64. Dynamics of volume of Russian export of bathroom and lavatory equipment of ceramics by months in 2007 – July 2012, tons

65. Dynamics of volume of Russian export of bathroom and lavatory equipment of ceramics by months in 2007 – July 2012, ths dollars

66. Dynamics of volume of Russian export of bathroom and lavatory equipment of polymers in 2007 – July 2012, tons

67. Dynamics of volume of Russian export of bathroom and lavatory equipment of polymers in 2007 – July 2012, ths dollars

68. Dynamics of volume of Russian export of bathroom and lavatory equipment of polymers by months in 2007 – July 2012, tons

69. Dynamics of volume of Russian export of bathroom and lavatory equipment of polymers by months in 2007 – July 2012, ths dollars

70. Dynamics of volume of Russian export of baths, showers, sinks of polymers in 2007 – July 2012, tons

71. Dynamics of volume of Russian export of baths, showers, sinks of polymers in 2007 – July 2012, ths dollars

72. Dynamics of volume of Russian export of baths, showers, sinks of polymers by months in 2007 – July 2012, tons

73. Dynamics of volume of Russian export of baths, showers, sinks of polymers by months in 2007 – July 2012, ths dollars

74. Dynamics of volume of Russian export of bidets, toilets, flushingcisterns of polymers in 2007 – July 2012, tons

75. Dynamics of volume of Russian export of bidets, toilets, flushingcisterns of polymers in 2007 – July 2012, ths dollars

76. Dynamics of volume of Russian export of bidets, toilets, flushingcisterns of polymers by months in 2007 – July 2012, tons

77. Dynamics of volume of Russian export of bidets, toilets, flushingcisterns of polymersby months in 2007 – July 2012, ths dollars

78. Dynamics of volume of Russian export of bathroom and lavatory equipment of ferrous metals in 2007 – July 2012, tons

79. Dynamics of volume of Russian export of bathroom and lavatory equipment of ferrous metals in 2007 – July 2012, ths dollars

80. Dynamics of volume of Russian export of bathroom and lavatory equipment of ferrous metals by months in 2007 – July 2012, tons

81. Dynamics of volume of Russian export of bathroom and lavatory equipment of ferrous metals by months in 2007 – July 2012, ths dollars

82. Dynamics of volume of Russian export of iron cast, non-enamelled or enamelled baths in 2007 – July 2012, tons

83. Dynamics of volume of Russian export of iron cast, non-enamelled or enamelled baths in 2007 – July 2012, ths dollars

84. Dynamics of volume of Russian export of iron cast, non-enamelled or enamelled baths by months in 2007 – July 2012, tons

85. Dynamics of volume of Russian export of iron cast, non-enamelled or enamelled baths by months in 2007 – July 2012, ths dollars

86. Dynamics of volume of Russian export of sinks and washstands of corrosion-resisting steel in 2007 – July 2012, tons

87. Dynamics of volume of Russian export of sinks and washstands of corrosion-resisting steel in 2007 – July 2012, ths dollars

88. Dynamics of volume of Russian export of sinks and washstands of corrosion-resisting steel by months in 2007 – July 2012, tons

89. Dynamics of volume of Russian export of sinks and washstands of corrosion-resisting steel by months in 2007 – July 2012, ths dollars

90. Dynamics of average producers prices for sinks and wash basins of ferrous metals in RF in 2007 - July 2012, rub/unit

91. Dynamics of average producers prices for sinks and wash basins of ferrous metals in RF by months in 2007 - July 2012, rub/unit

92. Dynamics of average producers prices for sinks and wash basins of faience in RF in 2007 - July 2012, rub/unit

93. Dynamics of average producers prices for sinks and wash basins of faience in RF by months in 2007 - July 2012, rub/unit

94. Dynamics of average producers prices for toilets of faience in RF in 2009 - July 2012, rub/unit

95. Dynamics of average producers prices for toilets of faience in RF by months in 2009 - July 2012, rub/unit

96. Dynamics of buildings set in operation in Russia in 2007 - 2011, ths sq. m.

97. Dynamics of average producers prices for bathroom and lavatory equipment of ceramics in RF in 2007 - 2009, rub/unit

98. Dynamics of average producers prices for bathroom and lavatory equipment of ceramics in RF by months in 2007 - 2009, rub/unit

99. Dynamics of volume of Russian market of bathroom and lavatory equipment in cost terms in 2009-2011 and forecast for 2012 – 2015, mln dollars

100. Dynamics of share of import on Russian market of bathroom and lavatory equipment in cost terms in 2009-2011 and forecast for 2012 – 2015, %

List of diagrams:

1. Share of import on Russian market of bathroom and lavatory equipment of ceramics in cost terms in 2011,%

2. Dynamics of share of import on Russian market of bathroom and lavatory equipment of ceramics in cost terms in 2007,%

3. Share of import on Russian market of bathroom and lavatory equipment of polymers in cost terms in 2011,%

4. Dynamics of share of import on Russian market of bathroom and lavatory equipment of polymers in cost terms in 2009 - 2011,%

5. Structure of production of bathroom and lavatory equipment of ceramics by federal districts of RF in January – July 2012, %

6. Change of structure of production of bathroom and lavatory equipment of ceramics by federal districts of RF in 2007 – 2011, %

7. Regional structure of Russian production of bathroom and lavatory equipment of ceramics in January – July 2012, %

8. Change of regional structure of Russian production of bathroom and lavatory equipment of ceramics in 2007-2011, %

9. Structure of production of bathroom and lavatory equipment of polymers by federal districts of RF in January – July 2012, %

10. Change of structure of production of bathroom and lavatory equipment of polymers by federal districts of RF in 2009 – 2011, %

11. Regional structure of Russian production of bathroom and lavatory equipment of polymers in January – July 2012, %

12. Change of regional structure of Russian production of bathroom and lavatory equipment of polymers in 2009-2011, %

13. Change of structure of production of bathroom and lavatory equipment of ferrous metals, copper and aluminium by federal districts of RF in 2009 – 2011, %

14. Change of regional structure of Russian production of bathroom and lavatory equipment of ferrous metals, copper and aluminium in 2009-2011, %

15. Structure of production of sinks and wash basins of ferrous metals by federal districts of RF in January – July 2012, %

16. Change of structure of production of sinks and wash basins by federal districts of RF in 2007 – 2011, %

17. Regional structure of Russian production of sinks and wash basins of ferrous metas in January – July 2012, %

18. Change of regional structure of Russian production of sinks and wash basins of ferrous metals in 2007-2011, %

19. Structure of production of baths of ferrous metals by types in January – July 2012, %

20. Structure of production of baths of ferrous metals by federal districts in January – July 2012, %

21. Change of structure of production of baths of ferrous metals by federal districts of RF in 2009 – 2011, %

22. Regional structure of Russian production of baths of ferrous metals in January – July 2012, %

23. Change of regional structure of Russian production of baths of ferrous metals in 2009-2011, %

24. Shares of the largest Russian enterprises in the structure of production of bathroom and lavatory equipment of ceramics in 2009, %

25. Shares of the largest Russian enterprises in the structure of production of ceramic toilets in 2009, %

26. Shares of the largest Russian enterprises in the structure of production of ceramic flushing cisterns in 2009, %

27. Shares of the largest Russian enterprises in the structure of production of ceramic washstands in 2009, %

28. Shares of the largest Russian enterprises in the structure of production of ceramic washstands in 2009, %

29. Shares of the largest Russian enterprises in the structure of production of iron and steel enamelled baths in 2009, %

30. Shares of the largest Russian enterprises in the structure of production of flushing cisterns of polymeric materials in 2009, %

31. Structure of Russian import of bathroom and lavatory equipment of ceramics by types in January – July 2012 in physical terms, %

32. Structure of Russian import of bathroom and lavatory equipment of ceramics by types in January – July 2012 in cost terms, %

33. Structure of Russian import of bathroom and lavatory equipment of ceramics by supplying countries in January – July 2012 in physical terms, %

34. Structure of Russian import of bathroom and lavatory equipment of ceramics by supplying countries in January – July 2012 in cost terms, %

35. Structure of Russian import of bathroom and lavatory equipment of polymers by types in January – July 2012 in physical terms, %

36. Structure of Russian import of bathroom and lavatory equipment of polymers by types in January – July 2012 in cost terms, %

37. Structure of Russian import of bathroom and lavatory equipment of polymers by supplying countries in January – July 2012 in physical terms, %

38. Structure of Russian import of bathroom and lavatory equipment of polymers by supplying countries in January – July 2012 in cost terms, %

39. Structure of Russian import of baths, showers, sinks of polymers by supplying countries in January – July 2012 in physical terms, %

40. Structure of Russian import of baths, showers, sinks of polymers by supplying countries in January – July 2012 in cost terms, %

41. Structure of Russian import of bidets, toilets, flushing cisterns of polymers by supplying countries in January – July 2012 in physical terms, %

42. Structure of Russian import of baths, showers, sinks of polymers by supplying countries in January – July 2012 in cost terms, %

43. Structure of Russian import of bathroom and lavatory equipment of ferrous metals by types in January – July 2012 in physical terms, %

44. Structure of Russian import of bathroom and lavatory equipment of ferrous metals by types in January – July 2012 in cost terms, %

45. Structure of Russian import of bathroom and lavatory equipment of ferrous metals by supplying countries in January – July 2012 in physical terms, %

46. Structure of Russian import of bathroom and lavatory equipment of ferrous metals by supplying countries in January – July 2012 in cost terms, %

47. Structure of Russian import of iron cast, non-enamelled or enamelled baths by supplying countries in January – July 2012 in physical terms, %

48. Structure of Russian import of iron cast, non-enamelled or enamelled baths by supplying countries in January – July 2012 in cost terms, %

49. Structure of Russian import ofsinks and washstands of corrosion resisting steel by supplying countries in January – July 2012 in physical terms, %

50. Structure of Russian import ofsinks and washstands of corrosion resisting steel by supplying countries in January – July 2012 in cost terms, %

51. Structure of Russian export of bathroom and lavatory equipment of ceramics by types in January – July 2012 in physical terms, %

52. Structure of Russian export of bathroom and lavatory equipment of ceramics by types in January – July 2012 in cost terms, %

53. Structure of Russian export of bathroom and lavatory equipment of ceramics by countries of destination in January – July 2012 in physical terms, %

54. Structure of Russian export of bathroom and lavatory equipment of ceramics by countries of destination in January – July 2012 in cost terms, %

55. Structure of Russian export of bathroom and lavatory equipment of polymers by types in January – July 2012 in physical terms, %

56. Structure of Russian export of bathroom and lavatory equipment of polymers by types in January – July 2012 in cost terms, %

57. Structure of Russian export of bathroom and lavatory equipment of polymers by countries of destination in January – July 2012 in physical terms, %

58. Structure of Russian export of bathroom and lavatory equipment of polymers by countries of destination in January – July 2012 in cost terms, %

59. Structure of Russian export of baths, showers, sinks of polymers by countries of destination in January – July 2012 in physical terms, %

60. Structure of Russian export of baths, showers, sinks of polymers by countries of destination in January – July 2012 in cost terms, %

61. Structure of Russian export of bidets, toilets, flushing cisterns of polymers by countries of destination in January – July 2012 in physical terms, %

62. Structure of Russian export of bidets, toilets, flushing cisterns of polymers by countries of destination in January – July 2012 in cost terms, %

63. Structure of Russian export of bathroom and lavatory equipment of ferrous metals by types in January – July 2012 in physical terms, %

64. Structure of Russian export of bathroom and lavatory equipment of ferrous metals by types in January – July 2012 in cost terms, %

65. Structure of Russian export of bathroom and lavatory equipment of ferrous metals by countries of destination in January – July 2012 in physical terms, %

66. Structure of Russian export of bathroom and lavatory equipment of ferrous metals by countries of destination in January – July 2012 in cost terms, %

67. Structure of Russian export of iron cast, non-enamelled or enamelled baths by countries of destination in January – July 2012 in physical terms, %

68. Structure of Russian export of iron cast, non-enamelled or enamelled baths by countries of destination in January – July 2012 in cost terms, %

69. Structure of Russian export ofsinks and washstands of corrosion resisting steel by countries of destination in January – July 2012 in physical terms, %

70. Structure of Russian export ofsinks and washstands of corrosion resisting steel by countries of destination in January – July 2012 in cost terms, %

71. Structure of setting buildings in operation in Russia in January – June 2012, %

List of tables:

1. Population of the largest Russian cities by the data of All-Russian census enumeration in 2010, ths. people

2. Volumes of Russian production of bathroom and lavatory equipment of ceramics by months in 2007 – July 2012, ths units

3. Volumes of production of bathroom and lavatory equipment of ceramics by federal districts of RF in 2007 – July 2012, ths units

4. Volumes of production of bathroom and lavatory equipment of ceramics by federal subjects of Russia in 2007 – July 2012, ths units

5. Volumes of proceeds by regions by activity “Production of bathroom and lavatory equipment of ceramics” according to Russian National Classifier of Economic Activities in 2007 – July 2012, ths rubles

6. Volumes of Russian production of bathroom and lavatory equipment of polymers by months in 2009 – July 2012, ths units

7. Volumes of production of bathroom and lavatory equipment of polymers by federal districts of RF in 2009 – July 2012, ths units

8. Volumes of production of bathroom and lavatory equipment of polymers by federal subjects of Russia in 2009 – July 2012, ths units

9. Volumes of Russian production of bathroom and lavatory equipment of ferrous metals, copper and aluminium by months in 2009 – 2010, ths units

10. Volumes of production of bathroom and lavatory equipment of ferrous metals, copper and aluminium by federal districts of RF in 2009 – 2010, ths units

11. Volumes of production of bathroom and lavatory equipment of ferrous metals, copper and aluminium by federal subjects of Russia in 2009 – 2010, ths units

12. Volumes of proceeds by regions by the type of activity “Production of sinks, wash basins, baths and other bathroom and lavatory equipment and their main parts of ferrous metals, copper and aluminium” according to Russian National Classifier of Economic Activities in 2007 – June 2012, ths rubles

13. Volumes of Russian production of sinks and wash basins of ferrous metals by months in 2007 – July 2012, ths units

14. Volumes of production of sinks and wash basins of ferrous metals by federal districts of RF in 2007 – July 2012, ths units

15. Volumes of production of sinks and wash basins of ferrous metals by federal subjects of Russia in 2007 – July 2012, ths units

16. Volumes of Russian production of baths of ferrous metals by months in 2011 – July 2012, ths units

17. Volumes of production of baths of ferrous metals by federal districts of RF in 2009 – July 2012, ths units

18. Volumes of production of baths of ferrous metals by federal subjects of Russia in 2009 – July 2012, ths units

19. Volumes of production of bathroom and lavatory equipment of ceramics on the largest Russian enterprises in 2006 – 2009, ths units

20. Volumes of production volumes of ceramic toilets by the largest Russian enterprises of RF in 2006 - 2009, ths units

21. Volumes of production volumes of ceramic flushing cisterns by the largest Russian enterprises in 2006 - 2009, ths units

22. Volumes of production of ceramic washstands by the largest Russian enterprises of RF in 2006 - 2009, ths units

23. Volumes of production of sinks, wash basins, washstands by the largest Russian enterprises in 2006 - 2009, ths units

24. Volumes of production of iron and steel enamelled baths by the largest enterprises of RF in 2006 - 2009, ths units

25. Volumes of production volumes of flushing cisterns of polymeric materials by the largest Russian enterprises in 2006 - 2009, ths units

26. The largest Russian enterprises by volume of proceeds with the type of activity "Production of sinks, baths and other bathroom and lavatory equipment and their parts of ferrous metals, copper or aluminium” according to Russian National Classifier of Economic Activities in 2006 – 2011, ths rubles

27. The largest Russian enterprises by volume of proceeds with the activity “Production of bathroom and lavatory equipment of ceramics” by Russian National Classifier of Economic Activities in 2006 – 2011, ths rubles

28. Volumes of Russian import of bathroom and lavatory equipment of ceramics by months in 2007 – July 2012, tons

29. Volumes of Russian import of bathroom and lavatory equipment of ceramics by months in 2007 – July 2012, ths dollars

30. Volumes of Russian import of bathroom and lavatory equipment of ceramics by supplying countries in 2007 – July 2012, tons

31. Volumes of Russian import of bathroom and lavatory equipment of ceramics by supplying countries in 2007 – July 2012, ths dollars

32. Volumes of Russian import of bathroom and lavatory equipment of polymers by months in 2007 – July 2012, tons

33. Volumes of Russian import of bathroom and lavatory equipment of polymers by months in 2007 – July 2012, ths dollars

34. Volumes of Russian import of bathroom and lavatory equipment of polymers by supplying countries in 2007 – July 2012, tons

35. Volumes of Russian import of bathroom and lavatory equipment of polymers by supplying countries in 2007 – July 2012, ths dollars

36. Volumes of Russian import of baths, showers, sinks of polymers by months in 2007 – July 2012, tons

37. Volumes of Russian import of baths, showers, sinks of polymers by months in 2007 – July 2012, ths dollars

38. Volumes of Russian import of baths, showers, sinks of polymers by supplying countries in 2007 – July 2012, tons

39. Volumes of Russian import of baths, showers, sinks of polymers by supplying countries in 2007 – July 2012, ths dollars

40. Volumes of Russian import of bidets, toilets, flushingcisterns of polymers by months in 2007 – July 2012, tons

41. Volumes of Russian import of bidets, toilets, flushingcisterns of polymersby months in 2007 – July 2012, ths dollars

42. Volumes of Russian import of bidets, toilets, flushingcisterns of polymers by supplying countries in 2007 – July 2012, tons

43. Volumes of Russian import of bidets, toilets, flushingcisterns of polymersby supplying countries in 2007 – July 2012, ths dollars

44. Volumes of Russian import of bathroom and lavatory equipment of ferrous metals by months in 2007 – July 2012, tons

45. Volumes of Russian import of bathroom and lavatory equipment of ferrous metals by months in 2007 – July 2012, ths dollars

46. Volumes of Russian import of bathroom and lavatory equipment of ferrous metals by supplying countries in 2007 – July 2012, tons

47. Volumes of Russian import of bathroom and lavatory equipment of ferrous metals by supplying countries in 2007 – July 2012, ths dollars

48. Volumes of Russian import of iron cast, non-enamelled or enamelled baths by months in 2007 – July 2012, tons

49. Volumes of Russian import of iron cast, non-enamelled or enamelled baths by months in 2007 – July 2012, ths dollars

50. Volumes of Russian import of iron cast, non-enamelled or enamelled baths by supplying countries in 2007 – July 2012, tons

51. Volumes of Russian import of iron cast, non-enamelled or enamelled baths by supplying countries in 2007 – July 2012, ths dollars

52. Volumes of Russian import of sinks and washstands of corrosion-resisting steel by months in 2007 – July 2012, tons

53. Volumes of Russian import of sinks and washstands of corrosion-resisting steel by months in 2007 – July 2012, ths dollars

54. Volumes of Russian import of sinks and washstands of corrosion-resisting steel by supplying countries in 2007 – July 2012, tons

55. Volumes of Russian import of sinks and washstands of corrosion-resisting steel by supplying countries in 2007 – July 2012, ths dollars

56. Volumes of Russian export of bathroom and lavatory equipment of ceramics by months in 2007 – July 2012, tons

57. Volumes of Russian export of bathroom and lavatory equipment of ceramics by months in 2007 – July 2012, ths dollars

58. Volumes of Russian export of bathroom and lavatory equipment of ceramics by countries of destination in 2007 – July 2012, tons

59. Volumes of Russian export of bathroom and lavatory equipment of ceramics by countries of destination in 2007 – July 2012, ths dollars

60. Volumes of Russian export of bathroom and lavatory equipment of polymers by months in 2007 – July 2012, tons

61. Volumes of Russian export of bathroom and lavatory equipment of polymers by months in 2007 – July 2012, ths dollars

62. Volumes of Russian export of bathroom and lavatory equipment of polymers by countries of destination in 2007 – July 2012, tons

63. Volumes of Russian export of bathroom and lavatory equipment of polymers by countries of destination in 2007 – July 2012, ths dollars

64. Volumes of Russian export of baths, showers, sinks of polymers by months in 2007 – July 2012, tons

65. Volumes of Russian export of baths, showers, sinks of polymers by months in 2007 – July 2012, ths dollars

66. Volumes of Russian export of baths, showers, sinks of polymers by countries of destination in 2007 – July 2012, tons

67. Volumes of Russian export of baths, showers, sinks of polymers by countries of destination in 2007 – July 2012, ths dollars

68. Volumes of Russian export of bidets, toilets, flushingcisterns of polymers by months in 2007 – July 2012, tons

69. Volumes of Russian export of bidets, toilets, flushingcisterns of polymersby months in 2007 – July 2012, ths dollars

70. Volumes of Russian export of bidets, toilets, flushingcisterns of polymers by countries of destination in 2007 – July 2012, tons

71. Volumes of Russian export of bidets, toilets, flushingcisterns of polymersby countries of destination in 2007 – July 2012, ths dollars

72. Volumes of Russian export of bathroom and lavatory equipment of ferrous metals by months in 2007 – July 2012, tons

73. Volumes of Russian export of bathroom and lavatory equipment of ferrous metals by months in 2007 – July 2012, ths dollars

74. Volumes of Russian export of bathroom and lavatory equipment of ferrous metals by countries of destination in 2007 – July 2012, tons

75. Volumes of Russian export of bathroom and lavatory equipment of ferrous metals by countries of destination in 2007 – July 2012, ths dollars

76. Volumes of Russian export of iron cast, non-enamelled or enamelled baths by months in 2007 – July 2012, tons

77. Volumes of Russian export of iron cast, non-enamelled or enamelled baths by months in 2007 – July 2012, ths dollars

78. Volumes of Russian export of iron cast, non-enamelled or enamelled baths by countries of destination in 2007 – July 2012, tons

79. Volumes of Russian export of iron cast, non-enamelled or enamelled baths by countries of destination in 2007 – July 2012, ths dollars

80. Volumes of Russian export of sinks and washstands of corrosion-resisting steel by months in 2007 – July 2012, tons

81. Volumes of Russian export of sinks and washstands of corrosion-resisting steel by months in 2007 – July 2012, ths dollars

82. Volumes of Russian export of sinks and washstands of corrosion-resisting steel by countries of destination in 2007 – July 2012, tons

83. Volumes of Russian export of sinks and washstands of corrosion-resisting steel by countries of destination in 2007 – July 2012, ths dollars

84. Dynamics of average producers prices for sinks and wash basins of ferrous metals in RF by months in 2007 - July 2012, rub/unit

85. Dynamics of average producers prices for washstands of faience in RF by months in 2007 - July 2012, rub/unit

86. Dynamics of average producers prices for toilets of faience in RF by months in 2007 - July 2012, rub/unit

87. Dynamics of average producers prices for bathroom and lavatory equipment of ceramics by months in 2007 – July 2012, rub/unit

88. Shareholders of UgraKeram, CJSC

89. Balance sheet of UgraKeram, CJSC, ths. rubles

90. Profit and loss statement of UgraKeram, CJSC, ths. rubles

91. Cash-flow statement of UgraKeram, CJSC, ths. rubles

92. FinancialsofUgraKeram, CJSC

93. ShareholdersofKirovskayaKeramika, CJSC

94. ProductionvolumesofKirovskayaKeramika, CJSC

95. BalancesheetofKirovskayaKeramika, CJSC, ths. rubles

96. ProfitandlossstatementofKirovskayaKeramika, CJSC, ths. rubles

97. Cash-flowstatementofKirovskayaKeramika, CJSC, ths. rubles

98. FinancialsofKirovskayaKeramika, CJSC

99. ShareholdersofsubsidiaryofKeramika, LLCinNovocheboksarsk

100. ProductionvolumesofsubsidiaryofKeramika, LLCinNovocheboksarsk

101. ShareholdersofSamarskiyStroyfarfor, LLC

102. ProductionvolumesofSamarskiyStroyfarfor, LLC

103. BalancesheetofSamarskiyStroyfarfor, LLC, thsrubles

104. ProfitandlossstatementofSamarskiyStoyfarfor, LLC, thsrubles

105. Cash-flowstatementofSamarskiyStoyfarfor, LLC, thsrubles

106. FinancialsofSamarskyStroyfarfor, LLC

107. ShareholdersofVerkh-IsetskiyMetallurgicheskiyZavod, LLC

108. ProductionvolumesofVerkh-IsetskiyMetallurgicheskiyZavod, LLC

109. BalancesheetofVerkh-IsetskiyMetallurgicheskiyZavod, LLC, ths. rubles

110. ProfitandlossstatementofVerkh-IsetskiyMetallurgicheskiyZavod, LLC, ths. rubles

111. Cash-flowstatementofVerkh-IsetskiyMetallurgicheskiyZavod, LLC, ths. rubles

112. FinancialsofVerkh-IsetskiyMetallurgicheskiyZavod, LLC

List of schemes:

1. Classification of bathroom and lavatory equipment of ceramics by GOST

2. Classification ofsteel enamelled bathroom and lavatory equipment by GOST

3. Classification ofiron enamelled bathroom and lavatory equipment by GOST

4. Classification of distribution channels on Russian market of bathroom and lavatory equipment

5. Factors affecting volumes of sales of bathroom and lavatory equipment

6. Groups of consumers of bathroom and lavatory equipment

7. Factors affecting choice of bathroom and lavatory equipment

Исследования по теме
Название исследования Дата Цена
Рынок оптической продукции 20 Декабря 2012 133500 руб.
Анализ рынка приборов для сушки рук в России 23 Октября 2014 60000 руб.
Рынок мебели для предприятий общественного питания 20 Декабря 2012 133500 руб.

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Актуальные исследования и бизнес-планы
Описание рынка ванн в России, 2009
РЕЗЮМЕ… 11 Производство... 11 Импорт... 11 Экспорт... 12 Характеристика современного состояния рынка... 12 Тенденции и прогнозы... 12 ГЛАВА I. СОСТОЯНИЕ РОССИЙСКОЙ ЭКОНОМИКИ И ОСНОВНЫЕ МАКРОЭКОНОМИЧЕСКИЕ ПОКАЗАТЕЛИ В 2008-2009 ГГ. 14
§ 1.1. Хронология развития кризиса и болевые точки 14
§ 1.2. Инструменты противостояния 16
Кредитование банков 16
Повышение резервной ставки 17
Ослабление рубля 19
Ожидаемые и возможные действия правительства 20
§ 1.3. Выявление экстремумов и расчет продолжительности кризиса 21
§ 1.4. ВВП 24
§ 1.5. Инфляция 28
§ 1.6. Внешнеторговый оборот 29
§ 1.7. Цены на нефть 33
§ 1.8. Курс иностранных валют 35
Курс доллара 35
§ 2.1. Динамика ввода промышленных объектов 40
§ 2.2. Жилищное строительство 42
§ 2.3. Производство строительных материалов в России 43
Динамика производства 43
Выпуск материалов для чугунных ванн 39
§ 2.4. Характеристика различных видов ванн 40
ГЛАВА III. ЧУГУННЫЕ ВАННЫ 39 § 3.1. Производство чугунных и стальных ванн в России 39
Динамика производства 39
Маркетинговое исследование и анализ рынка акриловых ванн в РФ, 2013- 2014 гг., со сценарным прогнозом рынка до 2017 г.
Основные инструменты и методы работы

Для решения поставленных задач исследование реализуется в 3 этапа (в нижеследующей последовательности):
1 этап. Рыночное исследование.
Метод: Кабинетное исследование.
Анализ вторичной информации. На этом этапе исследований используются готовые
результаты исследований, статистика, данные, полученные различными
специализированными организациями, объединениями, изданиями, государственными
организациями об изучаемом рынке.

К кабинетным исследованиям относятся:
- Сбор и анализ данных государственной статистики ФТС РФ, ФСГС РФ;
- Мониторинг СМИ: федеральных, региональных и специализированных печатных изданий;
- Специализированные базы данных;
- Отраслевая статистика;
- Сбор и анализ данных из прайс-листов;
- Данные рейтинговых агентств;
- Поисковые работы в открытых и закрытых источниках информации, включая профессиональные издания, Web-сайты участников рынка, электронные СМИ и другие источники;
- Поисковые работы по запросам в инфраструктурных организациях исследуемого рынка (маркетинговые агентства, обслуживающие рынки, экспертные компании, отдельные эксперты, аналитические компании и др.).

2 этап. Качественное исследование.
Маркетинговое исследование и анализ рынка биг бэгов (FIBC) в России, 2012-2013 гг.

1. Методологические комментарии к исследованию
2. Обзор рынка биг бэгов в России, 2012-2013 гг.
2.1. Объем и динамика рынка, 2012-2013 гг.
2.2. Оценка текущих тенденций и перспектив развития рынка
2.3. Оценка факторов, влияющих на рынок
2.4. Структура рынка по производителям, оценка доли импортных товаров
3. Анализ производства биг бэгов в России, 2012-2013 гг.
3.1. Объем и динамика производства, 2012-2013 гг.
3.2. Доля экспорта в производстве
3.3. Перечень 10 крупнейших производителей биг бэгов: их адреса и контактные телефоны; объемы производства биг бэгов по каждому производителю в тоннах по полимеру и тыс. единиц продукции (на основании конкурентной разведки)
4. Выводы по исследованию.

Рынок кулеров и диспенсеров для воды в России
Содержание 8 Список таблиц и диаграмм 9 Таблицы: 9 Диаграммы: 10 Резюме 11 Глава 1. Технологические характеристики исследования 13 Цель исследования 13 Задачи исследования 13 Объект исследования 13 Метод сбора и анализа данных 13 Источники получения информации 14 Объем и структура выборки 14 Глава 2. Объем и темпы роста рынка морозильных ларей в России 15 Объем и темпы роста рынка 15 Объем рынка по товарным группам 15 Объем рынка по торговым маркам 16 Глава 3. Производство морозильных ларей в России 18 Объем, структура и темпы роста производства морозильных ларей 18 Глава 4. Импорт морозильных ларей в Россию и экспорт из России 20 Импорт по товарным категориям 20 Импорт по торговым маркам 21 Импорт по стране происхождения товара 22 Экспорт по товарным категориям 23 Экспорт по торговым маркам 24 Экспорт по стране назначения товара 25 Глава 5. Основные события, тенденции и перспективы развития рынка морозильных ларей и другого холодильного оборудования в России 27 Влияние колебаний курса рубля 27 Производители и потребители холодильного оборудования 29 Глава 6. Финансово-хозяйственная деятельность и планы развития ключевых игроков рынка морозильных ларей в России 31 §1. Российские производители морозильных ларей 31 КЗХ "Бирюса", г.Красноярск 31 ОАО «Айсберг», г.Смо…

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